This week I’ve taken vacation time to help my colleagues in Japan and New Zealand with national IT planning. As I often say, the healthcare IT challenges are the same all over the world, but the cultural context is different. In Japan, I spent 2 days in Tokyo and 1 day in Kyoto, lecturing, meeting, and listening to stakeholders. There is a great desire to share data for care coordination and clinical trials/clinical research. Telemedicine/telehealth is increasingly important in an aging Japanese society that has increasing healthcare needs but a limited number of caregivers and few opportunities to increase healthcare budgets. Here are a few of the current issues we discussed...
See the following -
An Automated Routine Childhood Immunization Approach Using OpenEHR
This project studies a working but manual immunization system in place in Pakistan, subject to concerns such as poor record-keeping, reaching targeted children and unavailability of latest census. We propose an openEHR-based solution [...]. Read More »
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Been there, Done that, Doesn’t Work: Veterans Health Administration IT goes back in time
If you have an interest in the worlds of economics, healthcare or technology, here’s a story that’s emerged this month that is worth noting for the record books. In the US, amidst the chaos of the Trump administration, yet another mistake has been made this month. For the record, it is worth noting that the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veterans Health Administration (VHA) ended up with a contract for a large IT solution for the next 10 years worth about $10 billion as of May 2018. On the face of it that may appear to be unremarkable news: just another big expensive contract for an IT system. Yet there is a part sad/part silly dimension to it that is well worth flagging up at this point.
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Brazil studies the adoption of openEHR
The country sets new standards and methods for its National Electronic Health Record Project...As part of the implementation process for stage III of government decree No. 2.073, OF THE 31ST AUGUST 2011, a national EHR Workshop was held aimed at defining the methods and standards to be used for the Brazilian EHR Project (RES-National)...
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Catalonia releases RFI on technology elements to build an open platform using openEHR ~ ECHAlliance
The region of Catalonia has launched today a Request for Information (RFI) with the purpose to obtain technical information on the possibilities of supplying the elements of a technological platform for the development of the Electronic Health Record of Catalonia. Given the technical complexity of the technological platform for the development of the Electronic Health Record and the need to finish defining its design and the components of the platform to be tendered, as well as to inform the economic operators active in the market of the need that has arisen...
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CGI, Marand and Apperta in Partnership to Deliver OPENeP Across the NHS
Apperta, in partnership with CGI and Marand are pleased to announce OPENeP - an Open-Source medication management product developed by Marand, in collaboration with the NHS and supported by CGI’s expertise in the integration and implementation of health IT systems. OPENeP is a comprehensive, user-friendly and innovative medication management product built on the Think!EHR Platform, based on open standards (openEHR) and developed with a vision to completely replace time-consuming and error prone manual paper based prescribing and medication administration processes...
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CIMI Group Goes with OpenEHR Archetypes & UML Profile
The Clinical Information Modelling Initiative (CIMI) group led by Dr Stan Huff (Intermountain Health, Utah) met here in London 29 Nov – 1 Dec to make a final decision on formalism, from the two remaining – openEHR archetypes and various forms of UML (previous posts on CIMI: DCMs & RM, on formalisms). Instead of simply choosing one, the group made a more strategic choice of designating openEHR ADL/AOM 1.5 as the core formalism, with a corresponding profile of UML being developed to enable the more numerous UML-based developers (e.g. VA, NHS etc) to use archetypes within their UML toolchains....
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CRITICAL Software to Exhibit with openEHR at the MEDINFO 2015
CRITICAL Software and the openEHR foundation will be jointly exhibiting at the 15th World Congress on Health and Biomedical Informatics: MEDINFO 2015. The premier international event will be hosted by SBIS (the Brazilian Health Informatics Association) on behalf of the IMIA (the International Medical Informatics Association).This year's theme is 'eHealth - enabled Health', and will attract industry world leaders to share knowledge on how eHealth and Biomedical Informatics are being used to address some of the most challenging problems we face in healthcare today.
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Data Management for Large-scale COVID-19 Immunization: This is all not as simple as it seems
There is a global race for the development of a vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. Finding a vaccine that works and receives approval is only part of the process. There are a series of other steps that need to be taken so that the vaccine can be delivered. These include the mass production of the vaccine, shipment, administration and record-keeping. This may be even more complex as there may be several vaccines. In this article we review some of these issues with a particular focus on the United States.
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Defining An Open Platform for Health IT
It is widely agreed that the future of digital health lies in an “Open Platform”. However, it’s not clear as to exactly what an Open Platform is or how we get there. This blog aims to answer the first question and to provide some guidance on the second. While any given instance of an Open Platform will be a specific implementation of a set of software components owned and operated by a particular organisation (this might be a health and social care organisation or a third party, operating the platform on behalf of a local health and care community), it is most usefully defined by a set of principles rather than the specific details of a particular implementation.
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Dutch Healthcare Trade Group To Validate Open Source Solutions
The Dutch Association of Research Quality Assurance (DARQA), a trade group representing about 600 health care institutions and suppliers, will assist in validating open source software solutions for use in health care. Approved solutions will be given so-called vendor compliance statements, asserting compliance with European and global health care ICT standards. DARQA hopes to endorse hospital information systems, document management tools, archiving solutions and software for data analysis.
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Glaucoma Clinics Run On Moorfields App
Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has developed an app to run virtual glaucoma clinics. Read More »
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Halamka's Health IT Observations from Japan and New Zealand
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Is The 1.5+ Trillion Dollar HITECH Act a Failure?
Hopefully, the public statements made by President Obama and Vice President Biden will lead to a public debate over the monumental problems that the HITECH Act and proprietary EHR vendors have caused the American people. While the press continues to report the figure of $35 billion as the cost of implementing EHRs, that figure does not tell the entire story. Perhaps the next step is to provide accountability and transparency. That would start with firm numbers regarding the real costs of EHR implementations forced on an unprepared healthcare system by the HITECH Act.
- The Future Is Open
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Leeds and Ripple Pick Lockheed Martin to Help Build Open Source Digital Care Record
Leeds City Council and the local Ripple community health initiative have picked Lockheed Martin to help them deliver aspects of an open source IT development to build an integrated digital care record platform. Ripple, which is funded by the NHS Tech Fund and hosted by Leeds City Council on behalf of the NHS Integration Pioneers, is building an open source integrated health and care platform that allows frontline staff to access the most up to date and joined up care information about an individual, helping drive better and safer care...
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Major German research project chooses openEHR
I just returned from Heidelberg, where another very successful ‘openEHR day’ was held, this time by the HiGHmed research consortium, with 100 attendees. HiGHmed is funded with 20m€ by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the “Medical Informatics” funding scheme, and has as its goal..... to develop and use innovative information infrastructures to increase the efficiency of clinical research and to swiftly translate research results into validated improvements of patient care...
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