We recently published this guideline at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) based on the input from a multi-disciplinary working group. I thought it might be useful to share with the community, since many healthcare organizations are at the early stage developing social media policies...We receive reviews on all our social media sites. Some are informal, like a tweet. Some are formal reviews, like on Facebook, Yelp, Google+, etc. BIDMC monitors all sites 24/7 using a social media dashboard. To maintain our integrity, BIDMC follows the same social media guidelines as the universal online community. This means...
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10 Reasons To Fear LinkedIn’s New Service
The business social media network wants to rout your email. The benefits to you are unclear... Read More »
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3 Emerging Open Source Data Analytics Tools Beyond Apache Spark
On the data analytics front, profound change is in the air, and open source tools are leading many of the changes. Sure, you are probably familiar with some of the open source stars in this space, such as Hadoop and Apache Spark, but there is now a strong need for new tools that can holistically round out the data analytics ecosystem. Notably, many of these tools are customized to process streaming data...Streaming data analytics are needed for improved drug discovery...While Apache Spark grabs many of the headlines in the data analytics space, given billions of development dollars thrown at it by IBM and other companies, several unsung open source projects are also on the rise. Here are three emerging data analytics tools worth exploring:
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7 Mistakes Your Open Source Project is Probably Making
It can be tough to start a new open source project. You have an awesome idea in your head, but it takes work to turn it into a productive, healthy, engaging community. Sadly (as seems to be the case in practically anything), the same mistakes are made over and over again by new projects. Here are some of the most common mistakes open source projects make and my recommendations for avoiding them... Of the thousands of open source projects that kick off, too many get stuck at the outset because of a bunch of discussions on a Slack channel, mailing list, issue, or elsewhere. The discussions bounce around the house, and the scope often grows more and more lavish to incorporate the many, sundry ideas and considerations...
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Better Tech Is Here for Healthcare
Better technology is out there serving other industries … and it can be applied in healthcare. Technology should ease administrative loads and put clinicians back in front of patients! I’ve talked about some of this previously and how we keep clinicians involved in our design process. When it came to building an entirely new EHR, the driving force behind our team researching and adopting new technologies was to imagine a clean slate...
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Big Data, Big Legal Trouble?
Big data has a range of practical and commercial benefits to businesses but can be fraught with privacy and legal issues. With a projected global growth at a rate of 40% per year, raw digital data is a resource which many companies are turning to in their quest for market advantage. Read More »
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Couchbase and the Future of NoSQL Databases
Couchbase is a NoSQL, document-oriented database for building interactive applications. Trends in the open source database industry show positive growth as NoSQL is used for web, mobile, and the Internet of Things (IoT). In this interview, Arun Gupta, VP of Developer Advocacy at Couchbase, shares his views on how open source has made an impact on the database industry, and the challenges that lie ahead for the NoSQL industry. Also, find out which open source tools and methodologies Couchbase has adopted...
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Department of Health and Human Services Innovations Team Is Connecting with You!
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Innovation Team is taking new steps to make it easier for people to connect and find information on our innovation activities. As an example, we have used Twitter to promote the first time public voting for selecting input on the HHSinnovates Program. Read More »
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FBI Agent to CHIME Attendees: The Cybersecurity Environment Is Becoming More Dangerous
The level of cybersecurity threat is growing exponentially in healthcare right now, but there are some very clear strategies that the leaders of patient care organizations can and should do in order to fight back. That was the core of the message that Timothy J. Wallach, a supervisory special agent in the Cyber Task Force in the Seattle Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) told attendees Monday morning at the CHIME/AEHIS LEAD Forum Event, being held at the Seattle Marriott Waterfront in Seattle...
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Fluxday: A no-fuss open source productivity tracker
There are only so many hours in the day, so making the most of your time is critical. There are two ways to increase your output: Put in more hours or work smarter. I don't know about you, but I prefer the latter. If you go online and search for ways to improve your productivity, you'll find many articles with tips and tricks for working smarter and changing your habits. This works really well at a personal level, but when you're looking to get your entire team to be more productive and align everyone in the company toward a collective time-dependent goal, nine times out of ten you will reach the same point: looking for a platform to track employee contributions and time spent on tasks towards achieving smaller goals, and then integrating those to your company's goals...
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Hacking Health Care Records Reaches Epidemic Proportions
In February 2015, Anthem made history when 78.8 million of its customers were hacked. It was the largest health care breach ever, and it opened the floodgates on a landmark year. More than 113 million medical records were compromised last year, according to the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) under Health and Human Services. Consider it this way: if each case represented a single individual, one in three Americans would have been a victim...
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Halamka Outlines Social Media Guidelines for Beth Israel Clinicians
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How Apache Kafka is Powering a Real-Time Data Revolution
Two years ago, Neha Narkhede co-founded a company called Confluent to build on her team's work with Apache Kafka. In this interview, we talk about how lots of companies are deploying Kafka and how that has led to a very busy GitHub repo. Narkhede will keynote at All Things Open in Raleigh, NC next week. Q: What was it like leaving LinkedIn to start your own company? Narkhede: It was a great experience and a natural extension of the mission that my co-founders and I had been working on for the past several years—of bringing Apache Kafka and our vision for a new future for a company's data architecture built around streaming data to the forefront...
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Internet Giants, Amid Grumbling, Release New Data On Government Spying
Several Internet behemoths released updated data Monday detailing in broad terms the amount of national security requests for user data they have received from the government, part of transparency reports recently permitted by the Obama administration. Read More »
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Is Facebook The World's Largest Open Source Company?
Red Hat used to wear the open source crown. Then Google. But Facebook and other web giants now contribute the most to open source. Read More »
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LinkedIn users: EHRs plagued by poor design, clinical disconnect
It doesn’t take much to get clinicians to express their opinions about EHRs riddled with inefficient, cumbersome, and frustrating interfaces. EHR backlash is at an all-time high, so EHRintelligence asked LinkedIn users how we can turn the dissatisfaction around. The resulting comments pointed to a fundamental disconnect between design and daily use, and unleashed significant criticism of the government’s push for EHR adoption before vendors could produce a product worth using. Read More »
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