Where Do Big Ideas for Greater Good Come From? Humanitarians Tell All

Nola Paterni | Vital | July 27, 2017

Brian Southwell asks some big questions. And these SwitchPoint speakers answer.

Ideas are to SwitchPoint what wind is to a hurricane. The conference swirls with innovative approaches, unexpected methods, and brilliant inventions. Even the information is presented in unconventional ways, including through networking events and microlabs where attendees interact with presenters in intimate settings.

If you’re anything like me, though, when the winds happen to carry you over to someone you really admire, you’re too starstruck to ask the question that slices through pleasantries and gets to the heart of the matter: why do you do what you do? Listening to this series is both inspiring and unnerving.

Not Brian Southwell. He’s the host of The Measure of Everyday Life, a weekly radio show sponsored by RTI International. Brian sat down with SwitchPoint 2017 speakers to extract the origins of their inspiration, the source of stimulation, the foundation for motivation. Where do good ideas come from? he asks. How are they developed? And how are they shared? You can hear what he found in this three-part podcasts series...