governance model

See the following -

Does your Healthcare Company have a Platform Business Model?

Your Company Has A Technology Platform…But Do You Have A Platform Business Model and Strategy? Today in healthcare, platforms are understood mostly as technology. That’s not wrong, but it’s limiting and it misses a huge opportunity to adopt a platform business model. In most other industries platforms are also understood as a business model and strategy. Outside of healthcare, there are 45+ books focusing on this topic...A platform business model connects producers and consumers — creating an ecosystem that facilitates value exchange and interaction between them. Unlike traditional linear business models, where companies primarily produce and sell products or services directly to customers, platform models serve as intermediaries, making connections and facilitating interactions between two (or more) parties.

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Open Source Governance and the Rise of a New Open Health Movement

It's hard to tell if (or when) new open source foundations will appear and claim a leading role in healthcare. It would be interesting to see one created to scale an existing viable model, such as the one from Oroville Hospital using VistA. Or we could see OSEHRA shifting its focus and expanding its charter beyond just the US government space. Nevertheless, the successful foundation would keep a low barrier to entry for innovators, allowing them to incorporate and scale open source healthcare technologies into commercial products. Time will tell, but what's for certain is that we live in interesting times, and I am looking forward to massive innovation in healthcare in the near future. The time is ripe.

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