Apache Lucene

See the following -

5 Open Source Natural Language Processing Tools

Open source is chock full of high-quality libraries to solve common problems in text processing like sentiment analysis, topic identification, automatic labeling of content, and more. More importantly, open source also provides many building block libraries that make it easy for you to innovate without having to reinvent the wheel. If all of this stuff is giving you flashbacks to your high school grammar classes, not to worry—we've included some useful resources at the end to brush up your knowledge as well as explain some of the key concepts around natural language processing (NLP). To begin your journey, check out these projects...

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Coopetition: All's Fair in Love and Open Source

PostgreSQL vs. MySQL. MongoDB vs. Cassandra. Solr vs. Elasticsearch. ReactJS vs. AngularJS. If you have an open source project that you are passionate about, chances are a competing project exists and is doing similar things, with users as passionate as yours. Despite the "we're all happily sharing our code" vibe that many individuals in open source love to project, open source business, like any other, is filled with competition. Unlike other business models, however, open source presents unique challenges and opportunities when it comes to competition...

Twitter Did A Reddit AMA About Open Source. Here Are Some Highlights

Derrick Harris | GIGAOM | April 24, 2014

Here are some highlights from a Reddit Ask Me Anything featuring members of Twitter’s open source engineering team. It’s a pretty informative look at Twitter’s open source culture, the statuses of its various projects and its high hiring standards.

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