Text Messages

See the following -

Ken Banks and FrontlineSMS: How 'Reluctant Innovators' Offer Hope to the World

Ken Banks might, in some respects, be described as a reluctant innovator. In 2005, he created FrontlineSMS, a simple piece of software that enables a cheap laptop to use a mobile phone to send, receive and collate group text messages, effectively creating a communication network. It’s an idea that has helped many NGOs connect with isolated populations.

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Open Source for Humanitarian Action

Brandon Keim | Stanford Social Innovation Review | December 1, 2012

In the days following the Jan. 10, 2010, earthquake in Haiti, chaos prevailed. Transportation was limited, if not impossible. Lines of communication were broken. A few radio stations continued to broadcast, but the disaster’s scale was overwhelming. Only one form of mass communication remained relatively intact: cellular phones. Even before the disaster, there had been only 108,000 landbased telephone lines in the country, compared with 3.5 million mobile phones. After the earthquake, mobile communications, particularly text messages, were one of the few means by which people could report their needs and location...

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Text Messaging: Enhancing Clinical Trial Patient Recruitment And Enrollment

Moe Alsumidaie | Applied Clinical Trials | November 3, 2014

There is a lot of new research that evaluates the impact of Short Messaging System (SMS, Text Messages) in healthcare settings, such as appointment reminders and medication adherence. Results have demonstrated that SMS intervention groups significantly improved patient behavioral outcomes; patients who received SMS reminders were more likely to show up to appointments on time,4 and patients who received SMS reminders were more adherent to medications.5...

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