Spencer Jones

See the following -

Improved Interoperability Needed To Fulfill Health IT's Promise

Susan D. Hall | FierceHealthIT | January 8, 2013

Health IT has failed to live up to its promise so far, largely because it's not interconnected or easy to use, and because providers have not made changes in the way they deliver healthcare services to reap its benefits, according to Arthur Kellerman, M.D., a policy analyst with RAND Corp., who writes in this month's Health Affairs. Read More »

RAND Analysts Say Misaligned Incentives Hinder Interoperability

Anthony Brino | Government Health IT | January 7, 2012

In 2005, several RAND Corporation researchers predicted that rapid adoption of electronic health records and health IT systems could save the greater U.S. healthcare system about $80 billion annually — not a huge amount of the $2 trillion spent that year, but worth it for the government and providers to invest money, labor and time. Read More »