Improving Patient Outcomes
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HIMSS16: Cloudera Demos Open Source Precision Medicine and Healthcare Enterprise Data Hub
As the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) 2016 theme implies -- “transforming health through IT” -- healthcare organizations are increasingly focused on taking advantage of big data to personalize the patient experience and improve clinical outcomes. Cloudera’s commitment to this effort was exemplified this morning, when the company annunced its contributions to President Obama’s Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI). By implementing Cloudera Enterprise, healthcare organizations are better equipped to deliver precision medicine with a modern data platform that facilitates information sharing across silos while remaining HIPAA-compliant...
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Medical Record Advocate Dr. Donald M. Voltz Leads National Grassroots Petition Drive To Reduce 1,000 Daily Medical Error Deaths
A national grass roots campaign launches today to reduce the medical miscommunications in healthcare systems that cause almost 1,000 deaths a day in the U.S. This campaign seeks to forge a government and industry solution in solving this lapse in electronic healthcare communications, a cornerstone of Obamacare. The campaign is headed by Dr. Donald Voltz...Voltz petition on demands that the government and medical industry implement a solution to end what is a very easy problem to fix. Once signed by 25,000 U.S. residents age 18 and older, the petition will be sent to the White House for review and a specific, timely action plan.
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Why I Hope to Help End EHR’s Lack of Interoperability
I am tired of waiting. Millions of medical professionals and patients are tired of waiting. We have been waiting for EHR interoperability since the dawn of EHRs in the 1960s. Enough is enough! Our goal is to achieve EHR interoperability through a grass roots coalition of medical professionals and patients who are tired of waiting. The simple life-saving ability of hospital EHRs to connect to one another so healthcare providers can easily and readily access patient data is not being addressed. This type of issue is traditionally solved by industry or government initiatives. But so far they have not, and apparently will not solve it so I have decided to raise this issue through an outpouring of angry citizens, hospital patients, physicians and others being impacted. Read More »
Zoeticx Challenges Lack of Interoperability with Open Middleware Technology
Zoeticx software bridges the gap between medical data and quality patient care. The company offers software solutions for the healthcare industry which are dedicated to Improving Patient Outcomes®, enhancing the quality of care, containing costs, and simplifying administration. These solutions offer an immediate increase in the quality of care by delivering the right information to the right caregiver at the right time, in a manner that can be easily understood. In making an impact on a new healthcare landscape ushered in by Obamacare and the medical industry itself, Zoeticx champions new paradigms through innovation with a patient-centric approach. Its solutions are unique to their ability to address these problems. Read More »
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