OpenLMIS is a collaboration of domain experts in logistics management information systems (LMIS) and supply chains, eHealth information systems, software development for low-resource settings, and process improvement.

OpenLMIS is a place for capturing and sharing information about requirements and system design, promoting interoperability between systems, developing open source solutions for effective, scalable and sustainable solutions. [Related to the HINGX Project]

Specific objectives of the OpenLMIS initiative are to:

  • Provide a repository of tools, product and project assessments, and other information to promote a collaborative approach for LMIS solutions;
  • Encourage the reuse of proven components and methods;
  • Encourage the use of international standards in supply chain and health informatics;
  • Encourage seamless interoperability and flow of information between supply chain layers;
  • Create LMIS applications that are integrated with other health information system domains; and
  • Improve critical decision-making in order to address the dynamic health service requirements of low-income communities.