Simple Circuits – An Open Source Hardware Analog Arsenal

Staffwriter | Open Source Hardware Junkies | June 30, 2013

I wonder if this has happened to you. You see an awesome project online and you think “I am going to make that rad thing-a-ma-jig”.  It looks easy after all, and if that 5th grader and his dad did it, then darn it – so can I.

So you pull out your trusty microcontroller and think – what do I really need to make this happen?  You start sketching out your thoughts (because the 5th grader is horrible at documentation) and you quickly realize that you will need to have other circuits do some work.  Analog circuits.

So you pull out your trusty reference – the internet – and start searching around for solutions – you find something you think will work and bread board it up.  Nothing happens.  You remind yourself that failure is the key to learning, but the circuit still isn’t working. [...]