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Mayank Sharma
Mayank is an avid programmer who is currently an Electronics and Communications Engineering senior at National Institute of Technology Delhi, India. He was a Google Summer of Code 2015 student for OpenMRS where he developed a module to transform OpenMRS installations into OAuth2 authorization servers and provide OAuth2 based access to the web services and FHIR modules.
As a developer, he has contributed to a number of OpenMRS repositories including the OpenMRS Core, FHIR, Radiology and REST modules. He is working on a project to transform Radiology MRRT reports to FHIR Diagnostic reports using Machine Learning.
Post GSOC, he has been working with the OpenMRS infrastructure team as the Developer Tools Manager. He helps manage a number of OpenMRS services and servers with the team. Mayank was also the Platform 2.0 Release Manager for OpenMRS. Platform 2.0 has been a major milestone for the community and it marks a new era of the software distributions by OpenMRS.
As a result of his efforts for OpenMRS, the OpenMRS community voted Mayank September 2016 Co-Volunteer of The Month. Asked about his favortive OpenMRS moment in this interview, Mayank replied:
My favorite OpenMRS moment definitely comes from the OpenMRS Summit last year. It was the first OpenMRS meetup I had attended and it was great meeting everyone in the community; especially the implementers. It was there when I realized that the words “Write Code, Save Lives” are not just random text on paper, but it is the cause each and every person in that building cares so sincerely about. The stories from PIH, Project Buendia, Bahmni and the positive energy in the environment created by people trying to make the world a better place was really very humbling and something I can never forget. It inspires me every time I think about it!!
Inspired by the humanitarain works of organizations like Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, Partners in Health (PIH) Mayank is passionate about making contributions towards Healthcare and Healthcare IT solutions.