open access journals

See the following -

What Open-Access Publishing Actually Costs

Ellen Wexler | The Chronicles of Higher Education | November 9, 2015

Advocates for open-access journals say that academic research should be free for everyone to read. But even those proponents acknowledge that publishing costs money — the disagreement is over the amount. The issue was highlighted last month, when all six editors and all 31 editorial-board members resigned from Lingua, a prominent linguistics journal, after a disagreement with the journal’s publisher, Elsevier, over how much libraries and authors should pay. ...

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Why Is Science Behind A Paywall?

Alex Mayyasi | GIZMODO - Australia | May 13, 2013

Although the act of publishing seems to entail sharing your research with the world, most published papers sit behind paywalls. The journals that publish them charge thousands of dollars per subscription, putting access out of reach to all but the most minted universities. Read More »