
See the following -

Health Care Is Better as a Game

So many counter-intuitive findings recently.  For example, a new study claims 7 of the 10 most profitable hospitals in the country are "non-profit."  Let me say that again, most profitable hospitals in the country are usually nonprofit.  Or, despite the drive to improve surgical quality by limiting surgeries at low volume hospitals, it appears that the relationship between volume and patient outcomes is not as clear as had been thought, once "more advanced statistical modeling" is used to analyze the data.  Wait, what? Either one of these would be a good topic to write about, and many others have done so already (e.g., KHN and Modern Healthcare, respectively)...

It’s ‘Digital Heroin’: How Screens Turn Kids into Psychotic Junkies

Nicholas Kardaras, | New York Post | August 27, 2016

Susan* bought her 6-year-old son John an iPad when he was in first grade. “I thought, ‘Why not let him get a jump on things?’ ” she told me during a therapy session. John’s school had begun using the devices with younger and younger grades — and his technology teacher had raved about their educational benefits — so Susan wanted to do what was best for her sandy-haired boy who loved reading and playing baseball. She started letting John play different educational games on his iPad. Eventually, he discovered Minecraft, which the technology teacher assured her was “just like electronic Lego.” Remembering how much fun she had as a child building and playing with the interlocking plastic blocks, Susan let her son Minecraft his afternoons away...

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The Microsoft Empire Strikes Back: Makes Major Inroads into Healthcare

It seems deeply ironic that a week after I wrote about how even giant companies eventually get surpassed, I'm writing about the resurgence of one such giant, Microsoft. Last week Microsoft won back the title of world's most valuable company (as measured by market cap), passing Apple. Apple had that distinction since 2012; Microsoft hasn't had it since 2002. Admittedly, Microsoft was only able to pass Apple because a recent tech stock downturn dropped Apple from its record trillion-dollar valuation, and, as of this writing, Apple has pulled back in front again, but the fact that it is a race again says a lot about Microsoft.

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