See the following -

Advanced Manufacturing Re-tools with Open Source (Bit by Bit)

Michael Tiemann | | June 14, 2012

Open source software and open source best-practices have become truly ubiquitous in the business world. Software used to be the new frontier, but open source software can be found leading up to the frontier, at the frontier, and beyond. My experience at CGI America 2012 (a US-focused subgroup of the Clinton Global Initiative) confirmed this.

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The Fiscal Consequences Of The Affordable Care Act

Charles Blahous | HealthAffairs Blog | April 20, 2012

The view that comprehensive health care reform must make a substantial positive contribution to repairing the federal fiscal outlook was one of the motivating principles underlying the March, 2010 passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  The ACA as enacted falls well short of that standard and would significantly worsen the federal government’s fiscal position relative to previous law. Read More »