
See the following -

Australia’s First I-Manufacturing Hub Set To Increase Global Competitiveness Of Manufacturers

Press Release | META | December 9, 2014

META, a collaborative network of high potential manufacturing businesses and researchers, has teamed up with CSIRO to launch Australia’s first internet-enabled manufacturing hub (i-Manufacturing) set to connect manufacturers to their customers and suppliers more seamlessly and to provide them with a significant boost to their efficiency...

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Beyond Glass: Inside Epson’s Scheme To Make The De-Facto Smart Glasses

Chris Davies | Slash Gear | February 8, 2014

Epson can forgive you if your first thought when you hear augmented reality is Google Glass, even though you're wrong. Google may never had actually described its wearable as an AR device, but a combination of the over-promising original concept video and a general naivety about the segment overall led many would-be Glass wearers to be surprised at what the headset really is: a convenient notifications pane in the corner of your vision.

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